Workforce Security Training & Productivity Safeguards

Achieve true peace of mind and workforce protection

Fully protect your team without sacrificing productivity.

Your team members are your most important asset, and protecting them is critical to protecting your organization’s infrastructure. SecureWorker focuses on each employee, offering a host of tools and functions that safeguard their day-to-day work without disrupting it 

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What you get:

Monthly training emails on the latest threats and malicious strategies

Monthly spoofed phishing emails to test your team’s vigilance

Analysis & reporting available on request

Security Awareness Training

The vast majority of malware comes through email. Despite robust and proven security tools, your team members hold an incredible amount of power over your network’s security, so training them to resist phishing attacks is essential. Some managed service providers (MSPs) will offer security training as an add-on, or an optional resource, but we see it as an absolute necessity: information security is every team member’s job. 

SecureWorker™ enrolls each of your team members in multiple short security-based campaigns each month: security awareness training modules and simulated phishing test emails. Rather than a one-off training at employee orientation, we provide your staff with ongoing education and feedback on the changing threat landscape of the modern IT world, improving their security habits & instincts to increase your organization’s overall security. 

What you get:

DNS Filtering for every workstation

Safeguards against new & suspicious websites

Administration by Mytech’s Network Operations Center (NOC) team

DNS Filtering

The average malicious site is only up for a few hours – long enough to do its damage, but too fast to be detected by global blocklists or taken down by authorities. Endpoint DNS Filtering sidesteps this “website Whack-A-Mole” entirely, using machine learning and industry knowledge to screen domains based on their patterns 

The end result is a unique security feature that evaluates and stops potentially-harmful material based on what it actually is, rather than what it claims to be. This service even protects your remote team members in coffee shops or hotels, away from your corporate firewall. 

What you get:

Security support for company & personal mobile devices

Mobile device, tablet, and touch screen management

Mobile Device & Application Management (MDM & MAM)*

Controlling your employees’ mobile access to the corporate network is becoming trickier and trickier. It’s no longer just about fetching email on your phone – every new business app or connection on a personal phone or tablet is a potential access point for malicious actors. From Microsoft’s Intune Mobility and Security Suite to comprehensive mobile & wireless device management, we’ll provide support and help you control which devices and applications access your systems, ensuring security while preserving efficiency for your team.  

*Consultation, implementation, and third-party licensing fees may be applicable. 

What you get:

Backups for common business files including Word, Excel, and PDF

A restoration portal to allow quick, self-guided restoration of files

Desktop Document Backup

Even if your server, database, and cloud storage are completely backed up, individual workstations are still a potential point of failure. Almost all employees save critical documents directly to their device at some point, and the loss of those files can mean significant productivity and work-hours down the digital drain.  

Our Desktop Document Backup protects many of those files by automatically backing up commonly-used business document types, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and PDF files, twice daily. Your most important documents will be safe from ransomware, deletion, and hardware failure, no matter their location or device.  

With our individual backup & restoration portal, your team members don’t wait for tech support just to fix a single accidental deletion. And if you need an even more thorough safeguard, we also offer complete image-based backups for your most critical workstations as an add-on protection. 

What you get:

Multi-factor authentication guidance and support to prevent unauthorized access

Single sign-on support that simplifies logins and allows for fast lockout in an emergency

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) & Single Sign-On (SSO)*

Passwords are one of the weakest links in your security chain. Even if you require complex passwords, your team members are still the ones who “own” them, and a lot can go wrong without the proper safeguards. What happens if a team member is let go on sour terms, but still has all their credentials and access and is looking to cause a mess on the way out? Or what happens if their credentials are stolen?   

Using the right safeguards, with the proper application, you can make unauthorized access even harder for malicious actors, while streamlining access for your team members. Mytech will support your Multi-Factor Authentication and Single Sign-On solutions, as you exponentially increase your team’s login security. Simplify your day-to-day access to your information…while simultaneously protecting your organization against accidental breaches or unauthorized access.  

*Consultation, implementation, and third-party licensing fees may be applicable. 

Here’s a quick breakdown of the five key parts that make up Managed IT Services Suite – our fully managed IT services program. 

Monitor, update, and protect your core infrastructure

BackOffice constantly monitors your systems to keep things running smoothly and efficiently, catching inconsistencies before they become problems. 

  • Round the Clock Monitoring & Alerts
  • Email Continuity & Spam Filtering Protection
  • Asset & Life-Cycle Management
  • Antivirus Management
  • Disaster Recovery & Backup Management
  • Microsoft 365 Cloud Suite Backup
  • Hard Drive Destruction

Defend your organization’s entire network

SecureOffice employs targeted security programs to not only keep known threats out, but also to catch tomorrow’s newest threats that might sneak through. 

  • Microsoft Patch & Security Management
  • Hardware & Firmware Updates
  • Firewall Management
  • Managed Detection & Response (MDR)
  • Network & Security Review

Solve your immediate IT issues quickly

ProductiveWorker ensures you receive prompt and thorough IT support, thanks to our local help desk staff who are assigned directly to your organization. 

  • IT Support Desk
  • After Hours IT Support Desk
  • SynergiTech HELP Center
  • On-Site IT Support
  • New Workstation Deployment Services
  • Workplace Productivity Training

Safeguard each individual user

SecureWorker monitors and defends each workstation and educates each employee, to prevent network breaches before they even begin. 

  • Security Awareness Training
  • DNS Filtering
  • Mobile Device & Application Management
  • Desktop Document Backup
  • Multi-Factor Authentication/Single Sign-on

Enhance your most critical users

ExecutiveWorker offers communication & accountability reporting, annual strategic IT roadmap planning sessions, plus priority tech support and a full workstation back up for your designated executive user.

  • Communication & Accountability Reporting
  • Strategic IT Roadmap Planning
  • Full Workstation Backup
  • Priority IT Support 

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Secure workers result in a secure workplace. Safeguard each individual user!

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